Episode 9 - New Year, Same You!

Okay friends, here's the bottom line: you already rock! We didn't want to add to your to-do list, but we do want to give you easy (and free) ways to live it up this year! 

In Episode 9 Carla and Meg barf a little over the term self-care while also sharing their best tips for making life more survivable, and maybe even ... enjoyable! 

As always, this isn't expert advice, but if you're looking for ideas on how to take better care of yourself, these tips might just make it feel do-able.

Know Thyself - What fuels me might deplete you.

  • Don't do stuff you hate, even if you "should" like it.
  • Handle or cancel the things that are weighing on you!


  • Prioritize connecting with friends, family, and significant others.
  • Laugh, like until you pee.
  • Give real life connection your attention over online "socializing."

Get Into Your Head

  • Do your best to release negative thought patterns (guilt, worry, self-loathing)
  • Read poetry. (We are both currently loving Mary Oliver)
  • Try to separate work and life, try enforcing business hours.

Get Out Of Your House

  • Get outside in nature!! And look up at the sky.
  • Work (and play) outside of the home, preferably with others in your field.
  • Take a class, in something that interests you and makes you feel good.

For their Commercial Breakdown, Carla wrestles an inappropriate racy Third Love postcard and Meg calls lame on a Canon birth commercial.

Here's the postcard Carla received:

third love

And her response:

Dear Third Love,

Young children live here and they really don't need a glimpse at this lady's taint. And quite frankly, neither do I. Please start selling bras to women, not men.

Thanks a bunch,

A Former Customer

Here's that Canon commercial:

Canon: bring the camera, and the divorce papers.

In their new segments, You Win Some, You Lose Some, the gals share their lady brags and "well shit" moments of the week.

Carla lost when she failed to recognize that her kid needed antibiotics, but won when she spent the rest of the week creating art with him.

Meg won when she seized a spontaneous opportunity to pig-sit. And she lost the battle of the deadline when she left ordering business cards to the last minute.

Want to read more about self-care and anti-resolutions? 

Check out this rad post about the frustration of social media declarations.

This one with stunning art work that illustrates the silliness of "motivational" Instagram posts.

And this article is a great read on the self-care machine.

Take care of yourselves ladies (and gents), seriously, don't forget to have fun!